Sponsor a Step By Step Special Kid
A pledge of $25.00 Per Month provides 24/7 loving care for each of our children

Joyce Abena Acquah
Born May 18, 2014
Joyce came home in June of 2017. She is profoundly deaf and has Cerebral palsy in her legs. She is learning ASL Sign language and undergoing occupational therapy to help her walk. Joyce is our first child.

Obeng Amoako
Born Sept. 20, 2007
Obeng came home in June of 2017. He has Cerebral palsy affecting mostly his right-side limbs. He also has a seizure disorder being controlled through medication. Obeng is our eldest and first boy.

Michael Osei Boakye
Born Oct. 2, 2009
Michael came home in July of 2017. He is entirely dependent on us to live. He is completely disabled. He has a seizure disorder that is controlled by medication and needs 24/7 care. Michael has the sweetest smile.

Adom Mensah
Born May 31, 2014
Adom came home in December of 2019. He has Cerebral palsy and is developmentally disabled. He undergoes daily therapy for muscle strengthening with a goal to one day see him walk. Adom is the "king of cute."

Afia Konadu
Born February 16, 2016
Afia came home in May of 2021. She is autistic and developmentally disabled but is making progress with her special education. Afia also has a seizure disorder that is being controlled by medication. Afia is the "queen of cute."

Owusu Owura
Born February 14, 2009
Owusu came home in March of 2021. He has Cerebral palsy and physical abnormalities preventing him from walking. He is receiving occupational therapy but may need corrective surgery. Owusu is our resident "hugger."

Abena Konadu
Born March 16, 2013
Abena came home in May of 2021. She has autism and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. She is responding well to special education and sibling interactions. Abena is just a love bug and is always so happy.

"Papa John Jr.
Born Sept. 20 2015
Kwadwo, nicknamed "Papa John Jr." came home in February 2022. He has multiple disabilities including a seizure disorder and is dependent on us for all his care. He does give us smiles, and he taps his feet to music.

Sunday "Sunny" Gyebi
Born July 1, 2018
"Sunny" has spasms and cerebral palsy from a case of Kernicterus as an infant. His symptoms are reduced by medication, and he is learning through Special Education. He is battling Adom for the crown of "king of cute,"

Ryan Gyesi Acquah
Born March 4, 2010
Ryan came home in December of 2019. Ryan has multiple physical abnormalities and developmental disabilities, leaving him completely dependent on our care. He is a sweet boy and loves to sing.

Isaac "Saved" Omari
Born Sept. 20, 2014
Isaac came home in September of 2021. He has autism and is developmentally delayed. he is now learning communication techniques. He was nicknamed "saved" pronounced Sah-ved, because he once was abandoned, but now is found.

Kwaku Afari
Born Sept. 5, 2012
Kwaku has a severe case of Autism. He also has some physical abnormalities and Cerebral Palsy. When you can enter his world, he accepts your love joyfully. We soon found out just after he arrived, that he is the poster child on our SBS Logo.

Kofi Aser Manu
Born November 21, 2009
Kofi came home in January 2021. He suffers from the effects of infantile Kernicterus, and as a result, has a form of Cerebral palsy affecting his limbs and speech. He is undergoing Occupational therapy to gain mobility.

Gladys Achiaa
Born July 2019
Gladys came home in August of 2022. She has a mild case of Cerebral palsy, intellectual disabilities, limited comprehension, and difficulty communicating verbally. She is affectionate and responds to love. We know she will overcome. Love never fails.

"Efe" Akyedzepa
Born June 11, 2021
"Efe" came home in August of 2022. She has been diagnosed with Cornelia de Lang Syndrome. Efe is a dainty darling, and very happy. The minute she came in, all the girls adopted her as their new baby sister.

"Prophet Joshua"
Born October 21, 2020
Our precious "Prophet" Joshua had a traumatic beginning. His mother died during childbirth and due to a lack of oxygen, Joshua suffered irreversible brain damage. He is showing small signs of development and we believe he will overcome.

Miracle Faith
Born May 12, 2021
Miracle Faith suffered brain damage due to improper birthing procedures. She did not breath when born and as a result of delays, she suffered brain damage. Miracle was also rejected from her family due to her special needs.

"Gracson" Cudjoe
Born September 20, 2013
Gracson meaning "Grace Son," was completely abandoned. He suffers from autism and cerebral palsy. Gracson is a quiet and gentle boy preferring to be by himself except when it is time to go for his daily walk. He enjoys being outdoors.

Born May 2, 2011
Oppong has Autism and with it, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder [ADHD]. Dancing at church or outside activities makes him very happy. He is very funny and likes to look at you with a peripheral "side look," so we nicknamed him "Side Looker."

Born November 12, 2014
Jerry is completely dependent for his daily care. He is unable to voluntarily move his legs or arms. He receives daily therapy and lots of love. Jerry's only way of communication is his sweet smile. He says so much when he smiles.

Born September 20, 2010
Kobby has Cerebral Palsy in his arms and legs and is mildly autistic. He is the happiest boy in the world and despite his autism, loves to be held. He loves being outdoors and enjoys picking things up and carrying them wherever he goes.

Born July 15
Maafia is developmentally disabled and has behavioral issues. We have her enrolled in school to develop social skills and discipline. Maafia is helpful around the home and she is involved daily helping our cook and caregivers.
"Sponsoring one of our children is a Kingdom investment that pays immeasurable dividends, that will go with you into eternity.
Investing in LIFE is no small thing."
"And the King will answer and say to them, Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me." - Matthew 25:40
Step By Step Worldwide Ministries is a 501c3 Non-profit organization and maintains a commitment to 100% transparency. You can find out more about us on GuideStar.org, where we have been awarded their "Platinum" Seal for the last three years.
We are 100% Volunteer and 100% of our funding is applied to the loving care of our children.