Step by Step Worldwide Ministries has three main projects and programs. Each one is built around our Three-fold purpose, and in harmony with our ministry commitment, pointing lives to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, by meeting the needs of not only our Children with Special Needs, but also the surrounding towns and villages.
This will be our permanent home and International Headquarters for Step By Step Worldwide Ministries. In the development stages, our multi-acre Community plan will include multiple individual family homes, housing two live-in caregivers, each nurturing up to three Special Needs children. The community will be village themed, providing a culturally aesthetic environment where our residents may move about, and thrive in an atmosphere of safety. The community will be 100% handicap accessible; and as part of our community vocational training and self-sufficiency, we will have agricultural development (farming), livestock, including fish, and poultry.
All this will be done in an "ECO" friendly environment, with a plan to be "off-the-grid" energy efficient;
We will have a medical clinic, physical therapy center, outdoor playground/recreation area, Special Needs themed - athletics sports complex, indoor activities & crafts center, a fully equipped "multi-media" library; and for our children and young adults, we will have a specialized school for the disabled, including a sign language [ASL] centered school for the Hearing Impaired. As mentioned above, we will have a "Life Skills Training Center" for older teens and adults, to provide multiple opportunities in vocational training, so they can be productive in our community and beyond. For our spiritual growth, we will have a house of worship, and an outdoor setting to hold our "Evangelism Movie Nights." Many of our community resources will be open to our neighbors and local residents living in the surrounding towns and villages. It is our plan to not only be a blessing to our own children, but to all in need.
Because missions work is crucial to our plan, we will also have "in-community" housing for visiting missionaries and their families, where they will be able to thrive in an environment of safety while serving the Lord in Ghana.
We hope that one day, our one-of-a-kind SBSWM community will be managed by many of our Special Needs residents. As we focus on each individual's abilities, rather than their disabilities, we have confidence many will overcome and become productive adults, as leaders in their community.
"Step By Step Community for Children & Adults with Special Needs."
"A Home for a Lifetime."

Step By Step Community for Children & Adults with Special Needs

Concept Photo

Help us drill in January
Step By Step Living Water Initiative
Step By Step Worldwide Ministries and Step By Step Home for Children with Special Needs has undertaken an initiative to drill "Bore Hole Deep Wells" in every community we establish a Home for Children with Special Needs. These wells will be maintained by Step By Step, to assure fresh clean water to the community. The water will be free to all, and will be available 24 hours a day.

Step By Step Evangelism Nights Outreach
Step By Step Worldwide Ministries is committed to proclaiming the name Jesus Christ; and as we establish our ministry foundation here at our International base in Kwaso, Ghana, and other areas the Lord provides, we will be presenting the gospel through outdoor movie nights.
Extending our efforts even into remote regions, our teams have used this powerful visual format to bring the love of God to many small villages and towns. In locations where electricity is limited, we use generators to power our projector, amplifiers, and microphones.
No area is out of reach.
The Jesus Film Project has translated this full length story of Jesus life and ministry into over 1500 languages. For our presentations, we presently have 10 West African translations, including TWI and EWE, the two most widely used languages in Ghana. As we expand this ministry into other areas of Africa, and beyond, we will equip our teams with the media resources necessary, to reach every people group we meet.