A Home
The model of care that is now being established at Step by Step, consists of an individual family, each with Personal live-in Caregivers, who provide tender, nurturing care, to each of our children 24/7. As we grow our community, this model will expand and continue to define “A Home”, where the love of God resides.
John 14:18
A Hope
God says in His word that Hope does not disappoint. The hope He provides, brings a certainty, an expectation, an anchor for the soul, and a kingdom truth that we can confidently embrace now. We want all of our children to have “A Hope.” For this reason, our foundational commitment will be to point them to Jesus, their eternal Hope.
Hebrews 6:19
A Future
It is our hope, to provide our children with a future not only for the here and now, but a knowledge and understanding of “A Future” that is coming; where our children will know they have a glorious life awaiting them, a place where their disabilities will be no more, a life everlasting with their loving Father in heaven. Love never fails. This is the heartbeat of Step By Step.
Jeremiah 29:11

for Our Children
Doing unto the Lord
Matthew 25:35-40
Our children have been rejected by their families, cast out from society, and lack support from the government or other NGO's. Many of these children have physical or cognitive disabilities like Cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, Autism and life altering birth defects. They look for nothing more than to be noticed, held, loved, played with, and treated with respect and dignity.
Love is commitment. We commit to this purpose by demonstrating the love of Christ in the lives of our children, "the least of these." We proclaim Him as the source of their Home, that He is their Hope, and that He is the one who promises and provides their future. Our commitment continues in the development of each child in Spirit-Mind-Body, being the hands and feet of Jesus in their precious lives.
Some children with severe disabilities may be perceived as hopeless, but we trust the Lord to help us look past the impossibilities of their disabilities. There is Hope!
Please support us, by helping establish a foundation of God's love, that will bring "A Home - A Hope - A Future," into the lives of every beloved child God gives us.