About Us
The Heartbeat of:
Step By Step Worldwide Ministries
During a short-term mission trip to the Republic of Ghana in the year 2009, it was God’s love for abandoned children that gave us the inspiration for Step By Step Worldwide Ministries. After many years of preparation and a permanent move to Ghana, the Lord opened a door in 2015 for us to establish our principal headquarters in the Kumasi area of the Ashanti Region.
It was in His perfect time that the Lord saw fit to establish Step by Step.
During this very same period the government of Ghana was closing orphanages due to improprieties, lack of administration, and neglect of the resident children. Many were and still are being placed into foster homes throughout the country. However, the "less desirable" children who had special needs and permanent disabilities were left without a home because of the stigmas and challenges they presented. Due to the 24/7 care these children with special needs require, many parents out of desperation, abandon their children in the night, at the doors of police stations, hospital gates, and ill-equipped orphanages. In extreme cases, there are reports of some even being put to death. Due to their disabilities, the prevailing sub-culture saw them as spiritual outcasts, even curses against the family. But Jesus our Lord has a plan for these precious children! And He has included us in His plan.
Our spiritual foundation is solidly built on the unshakeable truth of God’s word, “Love never fails.” 1 Corinthians 13:8.
It is His love that guides our very steps. It is His love that fills us with a deep compassion for suffering children. It is God’s love that equips us to love the unlovely, the castaways of society, the hopeless and abandoned Children with Special Needs of this world. These are the children of Step By Step.
The one unique difference between our Home for Children with Special Needs and a traditional orphanage is that most of our children will be with us for life. This is a reality. This is why all of us at Step By Step have devoted our lives to the children God gives us.